

    三手菸的危害 列印
      資料更新時間:113-06-07 14:25

    與吸菸者同住的幼兒,除了要承受二手菸的危害外,還得面對「三手菸」的威脅。所謂「三手菸」(third-hand smoke),是指菸熄滅後在環境中殘留的污染物,研究證實,吸菸者即使不在孩子面前抽,但殘留在衣服、車子、房子內的三手菸一樣會導致血癌。

    The Hazard of Third-Hand Smoke
    Normally it is believed that the hazard of tobacco use only occurs when staying next to the smoker who is smoking, so there may be some measures taken by the tobacco users to protect their family from tobacco hazards, including either smoking next to an open window, in another room, with fans on, or not in front of the child or family members. The users believed that such measures could eradicate or greatly reduce the tobacco hazards. However, such concept has been proven to be incorrect.
    Young children cohabiting with tobacco users not only exposed to the hazard of secondhand smoke, but also faced the threats of “third-hand smoke”. The so-called “third-hand smoke” refers to the residual pollutant in the environment after extinguishing the cigarettes. Previous studies have confirmed that without smoking in front of the children, the third-hand smoke residues in the smoker’s clothes, cars and house still may contribute to pediatric leukemia.
    A study investigating the carcinogenesis of third-hand smoke published on the Mutagenesis journal in UK has shown that nicotine is a strong surface adhesive compound, which is highly possible to chemically react with compounds such as nitrites or ozone and thus generates stronger novel carcinogens1  (e.g. nitrosamine) attaching to the clothes, furniture, curtain or carpet.
    A study “Beliefs about the health effects of "third-hand" smoke and home smoking bans” published on “Pediatrics” reported that the residual toxic particles in the environment derived from the third-hand smoke contained at least 11 highly carcinogenic compounds, which may result in pediatric cognitive deficit, increase the risks of infant asthma and otitis media. Crawling babies at home were at the greatest risks in particular.2
    In conclusion, the Health Promotion Administration urges the public to participate in smoking cessation immediately to keep their children away from the environments of either secondhand smoke or third-hand smoke, and to create a smoke-free environment for their family. For those families with babies or are expecting newborns, it is the best timing to quit smoking now. By doing so, he or she not only rescues healthy personally, but also keeps the family away from the hazard of secondhand smoke or even third-hand smoke!
    Source: Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare

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